Monday, January 21, 2019

POTUS Camel-Uh? Maybe Not

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) has announced her candidacy for the Democrat nomination for president in 2020. A supposed large part of Harris’ appeal to Democrats is that her mother is from India and her father from Jamaica. Plus, she attended Howard University, a traditionally Black school.

It didn’t take long for oppo research to notice her former career as a district attorney (San Francisco) and state Attorney General (CA). Pundits ask how her work to imprison criminals, and obvious pride in her success thereat, will sit with the Black Lives Matter crowd which views American law enforcement as an anti-black conspiracy.

It will be interesting to see whether black voters will warm to her candidacy, given her career-long collaboration with the police. It should be easy for opponents to find mothers of African-American men she sent to prison willing to speak ill of Harris on-camera.