Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Designated Patsy ... Heard From

Senator-elect Mitt Romney (R-UT) has written a Washington Post op-ed attacking President Trump. The opinions of Romney are of as little interest as those of John Kerry, or John McCain, or Hillary Clinton - each one a loser in the court of public opinion.

Like the hapless Washington Generals of Harlem Globetrotter fame, Romney did what the left’s playbook calls for Republicans to do. Namely, go out and lose to a Democrat.

That signal ‘accomplishment’ - being the “designated patsy” of the 2012 presidential campaign - makes Romney the Dems’ idea of a good guy. He can now write for the Trump-hating WaPo, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ virtue signalling project.

Romney apparently finds standing in John McCain’s recently vacated shoes comfortable. As creepy kid show host Mr. Rogers might have asked, “Can you say ‘RINO’?”