Saturday, January 12, 2019

Whose Ox Gored?

Do you recollect when the Trump tax cut passed? We learned that an important part thereof was making state and local income taxes no longer deductible on federal taxes.

This change was carefully tailored to gouge those living in high-tax “blue” states like NY, CA, and CT while impacting those in no-income-tax “red” states like TX and WY not at all.

The partial government shut-down is a similar kind of act. How many Republicans are seriously impacted by it? Most government employees are Democrats, as are most food stamp/SNAP recipients, if they vote at all.

Who will be crying in pain? Schumer/Pelosi’s constituents is who, much more so than Trump’s. Who will be best positioned to withstand it? Trump supporters. Who is likely therefore to win the Battle of the Wall? Trump.