Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Brexit Nitty Gritty

Ed Driscoll, guest-blogging at Instapundit, quotes a National Review report of the Brexit vote results. The following adds detail to our commentary to date.
In response to the historic defeat, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tabled a vote of no confidence, which, if passed, would oust May and give Corbyn a chance to form a new government. If Corbyn’s bid to become prime minister then failed to gain the support of a majority of MPs within 14 days, Parliament would dissolve and a new general election would be held.
Apparently May has three days to announce a Plan B, after which Corbyn’s no confidence motion is voted upon unless May comes up with huge EU concessions.

Subsequent Correction: It appears the no confidence vote will go ahead Wednesday, supposedly lose, after which May has until Monday to launch Plan B, whatever that turns out to be. Political life is not boring in the U.K. during the run-up to Brexit.