Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Looking Back, in Anger

Republicans controlled the House of Representatives for the two years 2017-19, and, with the exception of the tax cut, accomplished essentially nothing. In my opinion, the dead-and-putrid albatross of their failure to perform must be hung around the neck of the Speaker, Paul Ryan.

There are, it seems, two schools of thought concerning his failed Speakership. One holds he was simply a do-nothing guy who took the job reluctantly when Boehner quit, and served as a human placeholder. The other views him as a RINO really offended his party elected Donald Trump and thus determined to give Trump as few accomplishments as possible. Maybe only Ryan knows which is true, neither makes him look good.

For two years Republicans controlled all three branches of government and should have done plenty to put their stamp on government policy. That they did little to undo Democrat malfeasance is a tragedy and the fault, while shared, is mostly Ryan’s.