Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

The other DrC and I wish you a Happy New Year, in addition to the one we’d like for ourselves. I suspect 2019 won’t be much fun in Washington, DC, for the minions of government.

Looking forward, I see that Elizabeth Warren plans to run for the Democrat nomination. That likely won’t end well, another old no-charisma white woman trying to lead a party which relies on the young and the non-white.

Warren is one of some 45 Dems who’ve expressed interest in the nomination. Talk about a mob scene, scheduling the debates will be like organizing March Madness. I thought 17 Republicans for 2016 was a bunch.

When politics begin to get you down, remember that there’s way more to life than who is or isn’t elected. A sunset is still beautiful, a piece of chocolate is still yummy, your favorite music is still fun, and the great national parks change very little from decade to decade. The choice to be happy is yours to make.