Tuesday, January 15, 2019

May Brexit Plan Defeated ... ‘Bigly’

Yesterday we wrote that a vote on Theresa May’s Brexit deal was imminent. Various sources - Drudge Report links to several - report the vote has happened and her ‘deal’ was defeated by the largest majority ever recorded - 202 in favor, 432 against. The total voting no was more than twice those voting yes.

It is clear both those who opposed Brexit, the so-called Remainers, and those who believed correctly it gave away too much to the EU, the serious Leavers, voted “No.” Likely some Labour Party MPs who didn’t care much but wanted a shot at governing voted that way too. It was a landslide defeat.

Now we will see what the badly battered PM, Theresa May, will choose to do. She vows to “fight on,” whatever that means. Whatever she attempts will likely be the death throes of her prime ministership.