Friday, January 11, 2019

Noonan Returns

Peggy Noonan is back from hiatus - writing as usual for The Wall Street Journal - with a good column on border security. She takes swipes at both sides, relatively fair ones in my judgment, and ends up with this:
All of Mr. Trump’s foes think they do what they do because of him. Extraordinary circumstances demand extraordinary measures. They become like him to fight him.

But some day Donald Trump will be gone. What will we have then? His tormentors think we’ll go back to normal. We won’t, in part because of how they acted in opposition. They think everyone will revert to courtesies, but they will have killed the old ways.
And her conclusion:
Stop this. It’s embarrassing. And it’s wrong. Make a deal.
Great advice, and Trump is willing to deal; it’s sad Schumer and Pelosi have painted themselves into a corner where they can’t negotiate.