Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Argentina - Return to Toilet?

Poor Argentina, current polls show they are likely to switch their government back to Peronist policies which, given time, will turn the country into another calamitous Venezuela. The Financial Times reports the government of incumbent Argentine President Mauricio Macri has yet to deliver on its promise of economic stability.
With annual inflation of around 55 per cent and a recession dragging on, the latest polls continue to show an advantage for former populist president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her lesser known, unrelated former cabinet chief Alberto Fernández, who are running for vice-president and president respectively. 
Like California, Argentina is a place blessed by Nature with untold riches, a decent climate, and lots of territory. All those advantages are unequal to the task of counteracting the poisonous politics with which both are afflicted. Foot-shooting by voters is de rigueur in each.