Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Second Tory Leadership Vote Held

The BBC reports the Conservative MPs in the U.K. have held a second leadership vote, as a result of which Dominic Raab was eliminated and threw his support to Boris Johnson. Votes in the second round: Boris Johnson, 126; Jeremy Hunt, 46; Michael Gove, 41; Rory Stewart, 37; and Sajid Javid, 33. Raab got 30 which eliminated him as the minimum to make the cut was 33.

Everyone presumes Johnson will be one of the two names the party will submit to the membership, and nearly everyone believes he will be chosen by the members. Another vote will be taken soon, and voting will continue until only two names remain.

If I were to guess, I’d predict the final two will be hard-Brexit Boris and a soft/negotiated-Brexit advocate.