Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June Anniversaries

These first few days in June bring several consequential (and less so) anniversaries. The D-Day anniversary comes up on the 6th, and the lesser-known Battle of Midway is remembered.

I really recommend a visit to the Omaha Beach area of Normandy. You can’t appreciate the difficulty of that amphibious landing until you see the unwelcoming terrain for yourself.

The Tiananmen Square massacre - 30 years ago today - reminds us of China’s troubled reality, and we also remember Billie Joe MacAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge on June 3, some 50+ years ago.

Entirely coincidentally, the other DrC and I were in Taipei visiting friends when the Tiananmen massacre was reported. We’d half-way planned to go on to Hong Kong and then up-country to Guangzhou by riverboat, returning to HK by rail.

Given the spike of tensions in the PRC, we scrapped those plans and stayed away. We’ve not regretted our choice.