Thursday, June 20, 2019

Enthusiasm Gap

Somebody needs to write it, and so far I haven’t seen it. Between Democrats and Republicans there is an excitement or enthusiasm gap. Republicans have it, Dems don’t.

The evidence is the way President Trump packs arenas wherever he goes to deliver one of his ‘patented’ pep rallies. None of the Democrats’ clown car of would-be candidates is generating anything like the enthusiasm Trump routinely evokes.

Where are people showing up a day or more in advance to ensure a place in the arena? At the Trump rallies, and no place else. You cannot purchase that kind of commitment, and you cannot fake it either. Check out a quote from the Washington Examiner:
Airing President Trump's campaign kickoff rally proved to be a win for Fox News, giving them just under 5 million viewers, which was more than CNN and MSNBC combined.