Thursday, June 27, 2019

Thoughts on Night One

Unlike President Trump and scores of professional pundits, I didn't have to watch 10 Democrat aspirants being served up softball questions by four Democrat 'newspersons.' So I didn't, choosing to let the pundit class do the heavy lifting for me.

Sitting here trying to synthesize what I've read about it, I conclude that what a spectator saw on that stage in Miami was seriously biased by their a priori beliefs and concerns. There seems to be consensus that Elizabeth Warren did herself no harm, and was basically untouched by the others. And there is consensus that Beto O'Rourke blew it.

Beyond that, I've read that Castro did great or did poorly, Gabbard was a winner but yet meh, Booker scored or bombed . Most of the also-rans on that stage did little to move the needle in either direction.

Lack of movement means they blew the only chance they had at achieving momentum. They'd be wise to put their campaigns on 'hiatus' meaning, in real-people speak, "to quit."

There are four individuals with a realistic chance on-stage at tonight's debate, perhaps it will be more consequential. We'll do this again tomorrow.