Tuesday, June 18, 2019

California: Enroute to Third World

Historian Victor Davis Hanson takes another shot at describing the descent of California into third-world madness. National Review is where his latest jeremiad appears.

Hanson’s indictment is perhaps slightly exaggerated for effect. However the ridiculous conditions he describes do exist in many CA places. For example:
The coastal corridor elite often put their kids in tony prep schools that have sprung up or vastly expanded, in the fashion of the 1960s white Southern academies that were designed to circumvent federal desegregation edicts. Elite progressives mimic old-style, 1960s segregationists but feel that their children’s green and multicultural curricula offer enough penance to assuage their guilt over abandoning the state’s much praised “diverse” schools.
Old CA hands, like the DrsC, know how to bypass most of the hellholes and still find the CA sweet spots, but it is getting harder to do every year. How soon will it no longer be worth the effort? I’m not sure.

Hanson concludes the sort of place CA is becoming, with a few wealthy lording it over a sea of peons, is the classic configuration of a third world sh*thole, to use our non-PC President’s pungent phrase.