Monday, June 17, 2019

Who Follows Theresa May?

John O’Sullivan, editor at large of National Review, takes a look at the field competing for leadership of the Tory (aka Conservative) Party in the U.K. in the wake of Theresa May’s resignation. He estimates that American-born Boris Johnson is the likely selectee.

O’Sullivan adds the result of that choice is likely to be a hard Brexit, one with no deal in place when the leaving happens. See his conclusion concerning the role Nigel Farage, leader of the new Brexit Party, can play:
Farage can offer Boris another five years in power in return for a hard Brexit. It’s unlikely that Stewart, May, and the three (of four) establishment candidates can match that prospect or anything like it, and they seemed determined to resist to the finish. That’s the kind of situation that leads to the breakup of existing parties and their realignment on different lines.
I hope O’Sullivan’s prediction is accurate. The EU is “the swamp” on steroids, a bureaucrat’s dream of ignoring the popular will. Hat tip to Power Line for the link.