Saturday, June 29, 2019

Ms. Noonan’s Relatives

Y’all know I think The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan is one of the best writers of our generation. It’s true even when I don’t agree with what she’s writing, which is increasingly the case.

Lately she’s been a #NeverTrump person, which I can’t buy. However, in a recent column she writes about her sister and uncle who favor The Donald and her empathy almost lets her get what they’re feeling.
Our conversations convinced me that something that had long been a preoccupation—the idea that those who govern America do not really care about, or emotionally affiliate with, the people of their own country—was right, and would bring electoral shocks.
Peggy almost “gets it” but then the swamp, to which she is very much a voluntary recruit, sucks her back in. She hangs up on Trump’s crudity, his failure to observe “the norms.”

The whole column is worth reading. You will probably end up feeling her sister and uncle are the real people, who haven’t sold out to the swamp. From her insider perspective, she believes them good-hearted-but-misguided; you’ll probably conclude that judgment more appropriately fits Ms. Noonan.

Whatever you conclude, she is one hell of a wordsmith, enjoy her craftsmanship if nothing else.