Sunday, June 2, 2019


We made it to Wyoming, arrived this afternoon. We will leave in a few days to join relatives on a two-week RV odyssey around several of the best national parks in UT and northern AZ. Travel blogging will chronicle that jaunt.

Here in the Rockies, at 6000 ft. elevation, it is still springtime with blossoms on the trees and occasional rain. Snow should mostly be over although some years we’ve seen it as late as mid-June. Warm weather will likely wait for July, and truly hot weather is a once-in-ten-years oddity.

It is nice to return to a place that feels like home, run by good people whose heads are in roughly the same place ours are. Beautiful CA doesn’t fill that bill in recent decades, it’s being run by nutcase losers primarily for the benefit of illegal immigrants and the homeless. Ridiculous!