Friday, July 26, 2019

A Point of View

The always readable Conrad Black does a New York Sun column on the topic “Why the Left So Despises Donald Trump.” The whole column is worth your time, but I especially like his conclusion where I suspect he speaks for some of us.
The people who elect a president have the right to expect him to be gentlemanly on normal occasions, and with almost no exceptions in living memory they have had that, at least in public. This president is often gratuitously uncouth in public, and almost unrecognizable to those who know him as a congenial, courteous, and charming man and a fine raconteur. These traits are less frequently in evidence than in earlier days.

Like all of us, the President gets better at his job the longer he holds it. But this would be an easy problem to correct, and that would leave the intense disparagement of Mr. Trump exclusively to the extremists and the decayed servitors he has served the country admirably by driving from office.
I think Black misses that, for a substantial bloc of his supporters, Trump’s gratuitous lack of couth is not a problem, it’s a feature. It’s a sign he is “authentic” and saying what he means instead of what is PC or what the swamp is willing to hear from a Republican without coming unglued.

For these supporters, the swamp’s Trump Derangement Syndrome is clear evidence he’s doing what they elected him to do. Namely, to really p*** off the swamp critters, get in their faces and make them crazy. To be what the other DrC calls him, “my bully.”