Friday, July 19, 2019

Update on Turkey

RealClearWorld weighs in with an article claiming that recent mayoral elections in Turkey - especially in Istanbul - won by opponents of President Erdogan are significant. The author argues these wins mean there is still hope for democracy in Turkey, an issue that maneuvering by Erdogan had cast in doubt in recent years.

His conclusion is interesting:
As the Istanbul elections show, there are other forces emerging in Turkish society. Erdogan is not going away anytime soon, and American leaders will need to deal with him. But meanwhile, it is time for the United States to broaden its contacts in Turkish society and politics, and to engage with the new forces that are emerging across the country.
The article doesn't deal with how our cancellation of their F-35 purchase agreement will play into this scenario. Feeling politically threatened, Erdogan may cosy up to Putin, who understands managing popular opinion from a position of strength.