Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Reason for Optimism

The Atlantic carries an article arguing the GOP needs Millennial voters to keep doing well. A number of pundits have observed polling shows this group to lean left, meaning they may not be amenable to voting GOP.

True as far as it goes, but some recent indicators suggest that, perhaps like their elders, they become more conservative as they mature. Honestly, the real news would be if they failed to do so.

The indicator I cited recently had to do with aging Millennials turning their backs on urban living and moving to single family homes in the suburbs. That Wall Street Journal story found Millennials behaving like generations before them did in regard to residence choice.

Before we give up on the young, let's give them time to become "less young." We have no reason to believe they'll head off in a direction hitherto unexperienced; the smart money is on them acting at least somewhat similar to their elders, politically as well as in housing choices.

Remember a favorite Churchillian adage: "Anyone who is not a liberal at 20 years of age has no heart, while anyone who is still a liberal at 40 has no head."