Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why We Find It Offensive

I was pondering the question of why Americans find the spectacle of immigrants criticizing our country so offensive. At least in part, I believe it is because of how unusual it is.

Historically immigrants, like converts to a religion, are among the new nation’s strongest adherents, its most fervent believers. My father-in-law and his brother were childhood immigrants to the U.S., both were very proud Americans, very patriotic men, and this wasn’t unusual.

In recent years the encouragement of assimilation has lessened. In some circles the very word has become anathema, as abhorrent as brain-washing. That is both sad and wrong.

Immigrants need to adapt to their new country, not the other way around. They’ve chosen the advantages our nation provides, and understood doing things our way was part of the bargain they elected to make.