Tuesday, July 30, 2019

CA's Loss Is Maybe NV's Gain

Lucianne.com links to an American Greatness article about, of all things, clothes washing machines. You may want to read it. We'd better plan to keep repairing our old washers, the new ones sound like nightmares.

The new washers are slow, needlessly complicated, use little water and power, and are likely a repairman's dream of constant employment. Oh yes, they don't get clothes very clean either.

Who is to blame for all the new 'improvements'? Why my native state of California, naturally. It has become the mother of misery, the creche of crap, the initiator of idiocy, the pure crucible of political correctness. It is the nanny state, run rampant.

Appliance vendors in neighboring Nevada will benefit enormously, unless makers decide everyone gets the "green" model. You already have to go to NV to purchase some kinds of paint and finishes ... not environment friendly, don't you know?

If you need an ozone generator to get rid of smoke damage, off you go to NV. They are no longer legal to buy in CA. Of course older Californians are accustomed to going to Nevada for things not available at home.