Monday, July 8, 2019

Shallow Foolishness links to a Daily Caller article reporting the following unpatriotic behavior. The article has video:
U.S. women’s national soccer team members Allie Long and Megan Rapinoe stepped on an American flag after Long dropped it on the ground as they posed for post-game photos Sunday.
To be fair to Long and Rapinoe if you watch the video, they didn’t make a production of stepping on the flag. However, it was sure-as-heck clear they didn’t care what happened to it. To her credit, one of their teammates then dived in and picked it up.

If they’d stepped on a photo of President Trump, I’d be okay with that. I understand they don’t like him and politicians volunteer to be disrespected.

Stepping on the flag, the symbol for the national team on which they played, is disrespecting the nation which gives them the freedom to tell its elected leader to go to blazes. Their behavior is unforgivable, stupid, and it reveals the shallow character of Long and Rapinoe.

Imagine what would happen to North Korean or Chinese athletes who did that to their national flag at a World Cup match. They’d be lucky if any of their cousins survived the labor camp.