Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Independence Day Speech

As you know, I didn’t live-watch the President’s Independence Day/Lincoln Memorial salute to our armed forces. I was away from a TV waiting to see the Idaho Falls fireworks instead.

I did however set the DVR to record it and watched it last night via CSPAN. Contrary to predictions and put-downs from cranky progressives the crowd was vast, people as far as the eye could see. And they’d put up with drenching rain, too.

Trump had a lot of material to get through, and he read the speech somewhat rapidly, not his usual deliberate ... wait for the cheers and chants ... pace. Maybe he took pity on the soggy crowd who probably wanted to get home and put on dry clothes.

One thing’s for certain, it was no campaign rally. I don’t believe Trump mentioned himself or his accomplishments even once. He bragged on our country, not on himself.

The speech was all about our history, the heroes of our immediate and distant past, the heroism of members of our military and our first responders. And wonder of wonders, he began with the Coast Guard, an often-forgotten bunch of unsung heroes.

The much-criticized military hardware on display was merely set decoration. The only mention of it Trump made was to name the various planes that flew over at appropriate moments.

I conclude the event was a success. All those who criticized it in advance look very small, except in their own estimation, of course.