Sunday, July 14, 2019

Trump Right, NYT Wrong on Puerto Rico

I thought I remembered this story but was too lazy to look it up. The Washington Examiner has done so and I share it with you. Hat tip to Ed Driscoll, guest blogging at Instapundit, for the link.
Remember when President Trump claimed in April that "corrupt or incompetent" Puerto Rico officials had badly bungled relief efforts following 2017's Hurricane Maria? Remember how poorly politicos and journalists reacted to the president’s allegation, claiming that he was lying or being plain racist?

The FBI has arrested two former Puerto Rico officials for funneling disaster aid payments to politically connected contractors.

The FBI indictment charges Puerto Rico's former Education Secretary Julia Keleher, former Health Insurance Agency Chief Ángela Ávila-Marrero, and four others with crimes related to grifting U.S. disaster aid.
Having lived on Guam, which shares PR’s Spanish colonial history, I was pretty sure Trump was correct about Puerto Rico. Given the FBI’s penchant for only making arrests when they’re sure of a conviction, it appears he was.

Haoles joked Guam was an R&R posting for burned out FBI agents. They’d come to Guam, get a few easy convictions, and regain their self-confidence. PR is likely the same story.