Saturday, July 27, 2019

Looking Busy

Four Democrat Representatives write in The Atlantic about why they go forward with impeachment efforts. They've convinced themselves, and a sizable minority of like-minded followers, that our President is corrupt and evil. That is their excuse.

The real reason they go ahead with impeachment "efforts" is that they've nothing else to do and they need to look busy. They've nothing else to do because any Democrat-style initiatives they pass will not pass the Republican-controlled Senate. Since Dems refuse to give the GOP a win on any Republican initiatives, all that remains is investigating the President.

They do this in the face of polling which says the public doesn't favor impeachment, and in the face of its virtually certain failure in the Republican-controlled Senate, should they actually pass it. Plus, within memory, when Republicans impeached Bill Clinton, and the Senate wouldn't pass it, the Republicans were hurt politically by their effort.

In this context, one is seriously tempted to draw analogies of proboscis-removal as intentional face-mutilation, or perhaps of suicide by cop.


You'd think they'd try to pass some really mouth-watering give-aways to favored groups which, though they wouldn't pass the Senate, would provide ammunition for Dem. Senate candidates running in 2020. You know, the old "Look at the goodies you'd have gotten if only you'd had Dem senators" routine.

I suppose we should be happy they aren't doing what's logical. When an enemy prepares to shoot himself in the foot, the smart person never distracts him.