Friday, April 29, 2022

Law of Holes, Violated

Democrats are very dependent on African American votes to elect Ds to national office. Members of this group have for several decades been the most reliable votes for Democrats.

It is also true that menthol cigarette are most popular with Black smokers. Facing a midterm election in which Ds are expected to do poorly, you’d expect Democrats to avoid banning menthol flavored tobacco products, mostly cigarettes, as doing so will irritate a group whose votes they desperately need.

Avoidance is what practical politicians would do, but not Democrats it would seem. The New York Post reports the Food and Drug Administration has proposed banning all flavored tobacco products, of which menthol cigarettes are the big seller. 

Talk about a move calculated to irritate a party’s base. It’s a clear violation of the Law of Holes - when you find yourself in one, stop digging.