Friday, April 29, 2022

Not Parallel

Politico runs a story about Emmanuel Macron’s win in France, while he suffered from low public approval ratings. They, and the White House, would like you to see it as a path by which an unpopular Joe Biden might win reelection. Namely, by making voters fear a renewal of the Trump presidency.

They correctly observe that a majority of French voters view a Marine LePen presidency as somehow beyond the pale, the proverbial bridge too far. What they fail to observe is that LePen has never held office. It is easy to speculate about all the terrible things she might do once elected.

Unlike LePen, Trump was president for four years during which the economy did well, the border was under control, and Putin started no wars. Voters don’t need to imagine a Trump presidency, they’ve already experienced it as better than the current regime. Therefore, the supposed parallel is nothing of the sort.