Saturday, April 23, 2022

Runoff in France

France chooses a new president tomorrow, there are two finalists in the runoff. Emmanuel Macron and Marine LePen, a left-of-center-globalist and a right-of-center-nationalist respectively, are on the ballot. By this time tomorrow we should have a good idea of which won.

The Davos crowd wants Macron to win, as do the EUniks in Brussels. American conservatives lean toward LePen, without too much conviction. 

Many disastrous predictions have been made about a LePen victory, these are probably overdrawn. Macron is the incumbent, and outside of Paris, the French aren't much impressed with his performance. It appears many French voters will be voting for whoever they dislike or fear less.

Holy coincidence, Batman! That sounds like our last several presidential elections here in the U.S. 

Polls suggest a narrow win by Macron, weakening his position compared to last time when he won big. We'll see ....