Saturday, April 30, 2022

Poll: Good News for Republicans

Power Line's Steven Hayward summarizes the results of a recent NPR/PBS Marist poll of American voters. The news for Democrats is bad, for Republicans is good.

Fifty-five percent of both whites and Hispanics disapprove of Biden's job performance. Some 64% of Blacks approve. 

On the so-called "generic ballot" question asking will you vote for a D or R for your congressperson, the white vote split 50% R vs. 41% D, while the Hispanic vote went 52% R vs. 39% D. Only Blacks favored the Ds with 72% vs. 20% R.

Hayward concludes:

The Republican lead in the “generic ballot” question is the highest ever recorded in the Marist poll.

If Hispanics continue to favor the GOP, it won't be long before Democrats will want to finish Trump's wall on the southern border.