Monday, October 10, 2022

Happy Columbus Day

Today is Columbus Day, a Federal holiday which may have been renamed Indigenous Peoples Day. As a cranky old guy, I will keep calling it Columbus Day. 

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit posts a long quote from Samuel Eliot Morison's magisterial Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus. The quote ends this way:

Christopher Columbus belonged to an age that was past, yet he became the sign and symbol of this new age of hope, glory and accomplishment. His medieval faith impelled him to a modern solution: Expansion.

I've been to Europe, repeatedly; it is nice enough and pleasant to visit. I am, however, more glad than I can easily express that my English, Scottish, and German ancestors migrated to North America, the first arriving in 1633. 

Muchas gracias, Almirante Colón, however inadvertently, you led the way.