Friday, October 21, 2022

Wrong "Segment" Identified

Earlier today I posted the findings of the Trafalgar Group poll about sex change operations for children. As noted below, most people believe that is a decision only a competent adult can make for him/her/itself.

Now John Hinderaker at Power Line poses a fundamental question.

Presumably there must be a reason why the Democratic Party has chosen sex change operations on minors as a hill to die on, but I can’t imagine what that reason might be.
Why have liberals gone crazy over an issue–or, perhaps, a fad–that was unknown a few years ago? Over a segment of the population that barely exists?

I believe Hinderaker knows the answer but doesn't want to invite a firestorm of criticism by spelling it out. Democrats are involved because the LGBTQ+ group is a significant Democrat voting group and an even bigger donor group. 

It didn't take long for T to get incorporated into the non-cis (LGBTQ+) identity group. I'm sure a moment's consideration will reveal to the interested reader why that might be the case. (Hint: "slippery slope")