Friday, October 7, 2022

Teixeira 3.0

Over three weeks noted political scientist Ruy Teixeira has written at his Substack blog about three things he believes the Democrat Party needs to do to get its mojo back. The first two were (a) move to the center on cultural issues, and (b) promote an abundance agenda.

This week he spells out the third thing he believes essential:

Democrats Must Embrace Patriotism and Liberal Nationalism

For as he notes about modern Democrats:

Today’s Democrats have a bit of a problem with patriotism. It’s kind of hard to strike up the band on patriotism when you’ve been endorsing the view that America was born in slavery, marinated in racism and remains a white supremacist society, shot through with multiple, intersecting levels of injustice that make everybody either oppressed or oppressor on a daily basis.

Democrats have tried uniting the country around the need to dismantle “systemic racism” and promote “equity”….and failed. Democrats have tried uniting the country around the need to save the planet through a rapid green transition…and failed. It’s time for Democrats to try something that really could unite the country: liberal nationalism.

Nationalism, as Teixeira notes, is popular with Hispanics, Asians, and more than a few Blacks. It's not popular with the "faculty lounge" crowd currently making Democratic policy choices, they are Davos-style globalists.

I'll repeat what I noted when reporting his first two needed changes. Absent a really disastrous midterm election loss, current Democrat leadership is unlikely to adopt any of Teixeira's three part reform policy.