Thursday, October 27, 2022

Under the Big Tents

RealClearPolitics has a description by historian Victor Davis Hanson of the convulsive changes that have occurred in recent years in our two dominant political parties. If you read this blog, and stay current in American politics, you’ll not read anything in Hanson’s piece that you’ve not previously seen.

It is, however, a good comprehensive summary of the changes that have left Republicans pols like Cheney, Romney and former President Bush and commenters like William Kristol complaining futilely that this new populist GOP wasn’t what they signed up for. So be it, they are its past, not its present.

In a similar vein, centrist Democrats of the sort Bill Clinton at least claimed to be, and Manchin and Sinema try to be, are likewise being kicked aside by today’s progressive Democrats. Again, so be it, patriotic centerist Dems like Sam Nunn and Scoop Jackson are distant memories.

Where we are today: Republicans represent the broad middle class in America, of all races. Meanwhile the Democrats represent the inner city poor, the college educated coastal elites, and the uber-wealthy, uber-woke techno-rich and corporate elites who can be woke at zero personal cost or inconvenience. 

To VDH’s list of Democrats, I’d add the various self-identified racial, sexual and disability “victim” groups whose Venn diagram blobs often overlap in multiple, dare I say “intersectional,” ways.