Saturday, October 1, 2022

Teixeira: Seek Abundance

Rua Teixeira is a Democrat, he roots for Democrats. He also thinks his party is headed in the wrong direction to attract and retain voters from the majority of our population which has no college degree.

Writing at Substack, last week he advocated that his party move to the center on cultural issues. Which made sense because the center is where most Americans are. Needless to say, it's likely few will heed his advice.

This week, he writes that his party has been captured by Greens who want to decarbonize the environment and get everyone to live with less "stuff." He argues that working class voters who are trending Republican seek not frugality and greenness, but abundance, more "stuff." 

It is abundance that lifts the living standards of most workers. Abundance is more important to his target group than "equity" which is the redistribution of the existing (limited) wealth. 

Again, don't expect any significant bloc of Democrats to follow his advice. The affluent people controlling the party will not suffer if "stuff" is limited, if energy is more expensive. But the voters Democrats are losing will suffer if a "limits to growth" program is enacted and applied, and those voters know it well.

He titles his series of position papers "The Liberal Patriot" which is what one would hope Democrats would be. Too many, however, eschew patriotism. I fear he may be a prophet without honor in his party.

Afterthought: The Republican Party should definitely embrace abundance and living well as goals for Americans.