Sunday, October 9, 2022

Speed Bumps

Since I told you about a week ago the DrsC both got Covid, an update is in order. I experienced it as a cold, with usual cold symptoms. The cold is mostly over except for some minor lingering cough. The only odd symptom I had was a quasi-metallic taste in my mouth which maybe was a result of taking prescribed Paxlovid for 5 days.

The other DrC had fewer symptoms, also cold-like, or perhaps I should pun "cold-lite." She happens to be taking prescription hydrochloroquine for an unrelated condition and believes, perhaps correctly, that drug lessened her Covid symptoms. 

I find that one entirely unexpected result of having had Covid is that I no longer fear it. I'm not young and not thin, but it was just another cold, in a lifetime of averaging two colds every three years. Colds are not fun but also no particular threat to most of us most of the time. Speed bumps on the road of life, some of the bitter that comes with the sweet.