Friday, October 21, 2022

The Great Game Continues

Geopolitical Monitor reports on an uptick in the continuing violent separatist uprising in Pakistan’s largest province, Balochistan, which is adjacent to Iran. There is a certain poetic justice in this development.

For years Pakistan clandestinely supported the Afghan Taliban against both Russians and later the U.S., now it wouldn’t surprise me if India is indirectly supporting the Baloch rebels against Pakistan. The usual comment on such matters involves a sauce befitting geese and ganders.

The logic of doing so is obvious, if Pakistan is busy dealing with internal unrest it will be less likely to foment trouble in India’s Kashmir. As in “the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or at least potential ally.”

Tribal battles in Central Asia are a fine old tradition that goes back several hundred years, or more. The Brits - the colonial power in this region - had agents called “politicals” whose exploits setting the warring tribes against each other were legendary, if not uniformly successful. Hat tip to RealClearWorld for the link.