Wednesday, October 5, 2022


On Monday I wrote the DrsC had come down with Covid. If you want details the other DrC has them on her blog.

So far, the only way I know I don't have a regular cold is that the test said so. I've not lost sense of smell or taste, and I'm cycling through the usual hacking cough, runny nose, productive cough, insignificant fever, minor body aches, and general lassitude that says "cold." 

As my dear lady reports, we've been quarantined through today. Starting tomorrow we can go out but must wear masks around others, which we will scrupulously do. Nice friends have done some grocery shopping for us, but we do need some food.

We've been dosing ourselves with homemade chicken soup, which may actually help. The trick now is to avoid a relapse. Wish us luck.