Monday, October 31, 2022

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Assume for a moment the midterm election goes the way it is widely predicted to go, and Republicans win control of both houses of Congress. What is to become of all the Democrats who have claimed that this outcome will be the end of small d democracy in the U.S.?

In this newly “autocratic” U.S. will they emigrate? Drink the Kool Aid and commit mass suicide? Declare civil war? Take holy orders? You and I know they won’t do any of these.

Some will wisely ask “What could we have done differently to win?” Some will conclude they didn’t offer us enough socialism to be really exciting (looking at you, Sanders, Warren and the Squad). Some will carry on as before, getting rich by pandering to lobbyists. Some will retire from the field and become lobbyists. Some will sojourn in a think tank, this era’s version of the monastic retreat.

In spite of their recent predictions of democracy ending, I expect them to begin prepping for the 2024 election right after the New Year. Their behavior will signal small d democracy still exists after all, mark my words.