Sunday, March 19, 2023

Arrest Trump?

It is Sunday mid-afternoon in the Pacific Time Zone. The first page of posts at are all about the threatened Trump arrest, about what it means and what he (and we) could or should do in response. 

My private hunch is that Donald Trump is delighted. Once again Trump dominates the news, not in an especially positive way, but dominates it nevertheless. He is highly skilled at, to use the current idiom, "sucking all the air out of" our current political discourse. Making it all about him.

Don't you think he is delighted at the prospect of hogging the headlines? I think he is. The "script" for what is now happening - if it existed - would read like a pro wrestling story line, full of heroes and villains, of sneak attacks and dirty tactics, of revenge plotted and achieved.

My response? Relax and see what materializes, what eventuates. I won't be surprised if the case against him is weak, mostly the result of Trump Derangement Syndrome in action. He has been canny enough to avoid jail this far in a highly eventful and very active life.