Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Desert Rain

 As I write this at our winter home on the eastern edge of the Mojave Desert, we are experiencing a thunderstorm with wind, rain, the whole enchilada. And it is the second time today it has rained here.

I’ve noted some relatively elaborate flood control structures in the dry barrancas around town and beyond and wondered about them. Maybe today’s weather explains why they were built.

We’re catching the edge of the atmospheric “river” that is hosing down NorCal. It does rain here, not a lot and not often, but several times per winter.

Intellectually I know a thunderstorm can dump a lot of rain in a short time and cause flash flooding. Experiencing it in an arid place is something else entirely. Fortunately our house is up where any flooding will be “down there” and not threaten us with damage, unless we catch a lightning strike.