Saturday, March 4, 2023


I just read something discouraging. It was an unhappy, but predictable, awareness overtaking someone whose work I like. Here's the short version.

John Hinderaker is the senior contributor at the Power Line blog. He is a retired attorney who now heads a conservative think tank - Center of the American Experiment - in his home state of Minnesota.

His organization periodically polls Minnesotans and recently asked them the following question:

As you may know, the Minnesota legislature recently passed a bill making abortion legal in all circumstances, for any reason, with no restrictions, until the moment of birth. Do you support or oppose this new law?

I'm certain he hoped to learn that the legislature had overreached and passed something too radical for his fellow Minnesotans. He was disappointed, 51% of the respondents approved of the no-holds-barred bill as described above. 

Hinderaker seems committed to MN but at some point you have to wonder if he won't conclude that he is the outlier, not they. That his neighbors are members of another 'tribe' and his life in MN is a sort of expat experience.

People who have that epiphany tend to end up moving to TX or FL. He might however return to his birthplace in South Dakota.