Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Hinderaker Predicts

Power Line's John Hinderaker makes a bold prediction that, if it is true, will upend the presidential contest in 2024. See what he writes:

The Democrats aren’t going to nominate Joe Biden. They are just hoping he can limp through the next year so they don’t have to deal with Kamala Harris. Gavin Newsom is 25 years younger than Biden, isn’t burdened with Biden’s record in office or his growing scandals, and is a far more plausible demagogue and liar than Biden. If nominated, as I think he will be, and if Trump is the GOP nominee, Newsom will crush him. The only Democrat against whom Trump can run a competitive race is Joe Biden.

Of course, assuming John is correct, it behooves Joe Biden to continue to claim he will run. Immediately after announcing he won't run, he becomes a proverbial "lame duck" and has no clout whatsoever. 

Don't be surprised if Biden waits to make the announcement at the Democrat's convention next August, after the GOP convention in July. The dates are important because he could announce his pull-out after Trump is already nominated.

Hinderaker predicts this because it is what he'd do in their shoes. I actually think, barring health catastrophe, Biden will run again. Jill likes being FLOTUS, Joe is retired-on-the-job, and whoever is pulling strings from behind the curtain is apparently okay with that role. 

The White House with its perks, planes, security, and resident physician beats a retirement home any day. And, staying in office is the only way to keep Hunter and maybe Joe out of prison, no minor consideration.