Thursday, September 7, 2023

Reap the Whirlwind

John Hinderaker of Power Line has a great story about a Democrat Party official in Minnesota who was on record favoring getting rid of the Minneapolis police, He reprints her 2020 email to that effect.

Recently she was carjacked in front of her small children, beaten, her head cut and leg broken, by a group of four young men with guns who also terrorized neighbors who came to her aid.

Now, all of a sudden, she is for law and order, she wants to lock 'em up. It is almost impossible to avoid saying she deserves what she got as it is the direct result of policies she advocated from a position of power just three years ago. 

I wonder if she stops to think the police she formerly said terrible things about, and now praises, deal with these human monsters every day?  Can she imagine how that work affects their perceptions?

One could wish this sort of kinetic wake-up call happened to all the Soros-supported DAs across the country. It is a story worth reading in its entirety. 

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.