Sunday, September 10, 2023

Poll: Youth Favor US Troops to Ukraine, the Economy Sucks

Writing at Power Line (not the only venue for her work) Elizabeth Stauffer reports the findings of a CBS/YouGov poll that posed some interesting questions. The first such asked whether the responder favored sending U.S. troops to defend Ukraine.

A CBS News/YouGov poll found that 48% of adults under the age of 30 support sending U.S. troops to defend Ukraine. (snip) The numbers drop off sharply among older age groups. Among those between the ages of 30 and 44, the total falls to 28%; among those between 45 and 64, 17%; and for those over 65, 8%.

Stauffer has further cross tabs by political orientation and sex,  I wonder what the under 30s would say to resuming the military draft? Few are enlisting.

Those respondents registered as Democrats were asked about  their "enthusiasm" for having Kamala Harris on the ticket.

Thirty percent said they were enthusiastic, 54% satisfied, and 16% replied they were “dissatisfied” or “angry.” (snip) In August 2020, the numbers were 58%, 34%, and 8%, respectively. CBS notes that, unsurprisingly, black Democrats have the most enthusiasm for Harris.

Finally, respondents were asked about the economy. 

Five percent of participants believe the economy is doing “very well” and another 23% thinks it’s doing “somewhat well,” compared to 34% who think it’s “somewhat bad” and 38% who believe it’s “very bad.”

Translation: Roughly 1 in 4 said it was doing somewhat or very well; 3 out of 4 said it is somewhat or very bad. Bideenomics is the Bud Light of economic policies -- not many buyers.