Thursday, September 7, 2023

Trump Dumps Electrics reports Donald Trump has made a campaign pledge that, if reelected, he will stop the government pressure to adopt electric vehicles. Clearly this is a step other Republicans who seek their party’s nomination should emulate, or improve upon.

As we’ve noted several times, electric cars are effectively tarted-up golf carts masquerading as autos. Like golf carts, they are practical for local transportation if the owners have a garage or other dedicated space in which to store-and-recharge them. Bottom line, electrics can be practical second cars for suburban multi-vehicle families, full stop.

I’ll give you an example. We own a lot in a very large RV park which has its own 9 hole golf course. Most of the RV spaces are owned, not rented. Many residents have a golf cart which they use not only to play golf, but also for transport to the pool, pickle ball courts, rec hall, mail room, etc.

However, the nearest small town with a supermarket, hardware store, post office and gas station is roughly 6 miles away and nobody drives their golf cart to these, they all drive their gas or diesel powered auto or pickup truck, except a few hardy souls who occasionally bicycle. 

In a huge country like ours, electric cars are not the practical general-purpose vehicles hydrocarbon-fueled vehicles currently are. Many of us choose to live in exurban locales and every couple of weeks need to make a round trip of 100-200 miles to access medical specialties, an airport, or shopping-beyond-basics - places like Target, Best Buy, Costco, Walmart, or a car dealer. Electric cars are not practical for these and even longer trips.