Saturday, September 2, 2023

Tuckered Out

Power  Line's first-among-equals - John Hinderaker - writes that Tucker Carlson has wandered off into tinfoil hat country with comments he made on the Adam Corolla podcast. To be specific, the odd Tucker claims are these:

  • He asserts as a fact that the CIA “had a role in the Kennedy assassination.” 
  • Tucker asserts without qualification that Larry Sinclair told the truth when he claimed to have smoked crack and had gay sex with Barack Obama. 
  • Tucker asserts, again with total confidence, that the Biden administration blew up the Nordstream pipeline. 
  • Tucker vouches for a book that claims Charles Manson was a CIA source–“agent is too strong,” he says. 
  • Tucker thinks the Democrats are in big trouble in 2024, and as a result, they are going to start a hot war with Russia as a distraction. He says he would bet his house on it.

The odds against any of these being true are fairly large, odds that several are true near infinitesimal. Was Carlson stoned when he was interviewed? Sorta sounds like it, unless he was having Corolla on.