Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Active Conspiracy or Logical Conclusion?

Power Line's Paul Mirengoff notes the Trump campaign has been encouraging Sanders supporters to believe Bernie is the victim of a DNC conspiracy to prevent him becoming the party's nominee. Is it true? Mirengoff believes not, I am much less certain than he.

If I were a Democrat Party superdelegate, I would be alarmed at the notion of Sanders becoming the party's nominee. I would probably agree with many of his policy positions but worry about the electability of a self-avowed socialist, and his negative impact down ballot.

Are superdelegates conspiring against Sanders, or merely reaching similar conclusions independently? Those who know aren't saying.

It is clearly in Trump's interest to help Bernie Bros believe they confront a DNC conspiracy. In the quite sizable likelihood Sanders does not win the Dem nomination, it benefits Trump if Sanders' embittered young supporters spitefully sit out the 2020 race, or vote for Trump, as some 12% did in 2016 when Hillary was the villain.