Thursday, March 26, 2020

More Plague Diary

I cannot track down where I read it but someone commenting on the high Covid-19 mortality rate in Italy noted the following. The statistics show most of those deaths were the elderly who were sick already with more than one pre-existing condition.

This person then wrote we'll need to compare the death rate of this year with previous years to determine if Covid-19 actually caused deaths that would not otherwise have occurred. His/her point was that many who may have otherwise died of pneumonia (aka "the old man's friend") or flu are being listed, fairly or unfairly, as Covid-19 fatalities.

Therefore, to the extent to which the 2020 Italian death rate exceeds the average of the previous 5 years death rates, to that extent Covid-19 was something extraordinary and dangerous. Their further point: it may be that we've overreacted or perhaps not, when available the data will answer the question.

Within limits, overreaction is probably safer than under reaction. I'm not arguing for, or personally taking, half measures.