Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Can’t Buy Me Love....

With Bloomberg’s exit from the race, and Steyer’s earlier quit, it is time to take stock of the whole “billionaire buys election” meme that some ascribed to Trump. Two very wealthy men tried it in 2020 and both failed, forcing us to reevaluate what Donald John Trump accomplished in 2016.

I believe we must conclude that money, while extremely helpful, is no substitute for the basics. Namely, a program that resonates with many voters and performance skills to deliver that resonant message in a memorable way.

It turns out Trump had all three: the money, the message, and the delivery skills. Bloomberg and Steyer lacked a distinctive message and charisma.

The next billionaire who tries needs the complete package, not merely unlimited dollars. In show biz terms, the candidate needs to be able to “read the room” which means knowing what the public wants to hear and tailoring one’s message accordingly. Hat tip to the Beatles for the title.